Nimbus Group supports the exhibition Quartier Quartett Rosenstein

"Quartier Quartett Rosenstein"
A cooperation project.
An exhibition.
An architecture festival.
Four architecture faculties from Baden-Württemberg presented their concepts for shaping Stuttgart's new Rosenstein district in the Wagenhallen in Stuttgart. The works are all by students from the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, the University of Stuttgart, the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Their content ranges from designs for public buildings through to urban installations, and the exhibits take the form of plans, brochures, models and photo documentations.
The Nimbus Group is supporting this innovative cooperation project.
Incidentally, one special, interactive installation in the exhibition is a temporary sauna built to mark the 250th jubilee of the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design. Having fulfilled its purpose as an advertising satellite, the Umschichten firm of architects went about remodelling it. Concealed behind a screen in the interior of the sulphur yellow bulk container, there is the sauna cell, a plunge pool and a changing area: on event days, the ideal way of defying the weather and getting your body back up to the right temperature.
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