Acoustic Measurement
New dimension of acoustic product guidance
The acoustic measurement of a room is like a fingerprint that serves as the basis for any type of optimisation concerning room acoustics.

All too often advice on room acoustics only covers what might help.
All too seldom does the advice given really propose an effective solution.
As we do not understand what we cannot see, absorbers are often installed on walls and ceiling with no effect at all.
An acoustic measurement always covers only the physical fingerprint of frequencies in space. This evaluation is objective and product neutral. We will be happy to add our experience and our products to this neutral picture, should you so wish and if appropriate for the room concerned. As specialists in room acoustics solutions based on shielding and speech intelligibility, we at Rossoacoustic also offer acoustics measurements according to DIN 3382-2, taking into account workplace design according to DIN 18041 and VDI 2569. With these tools as a consulting instrument, sound distribution becomes visible so that you can see what you are spending your money on before making your investment. And you will see just how good it really is!
Based on these simulations, you personally experience what works and what will not work, as this example of sound propagation an shielding situation to double workplaces in cubicles.

Do you have concrete project inquiries or do you need support with your acoustic measurements?
Please contact us and our expert planning team will be happy to advise you.